SWATH-Type NATO operated research Ship
The Type 751 Planet of the German Navy is the most modern naval research ship
within NATO. It was built as SWATH design in order to reduce the hull volume and
to increase the ship’s stability – particularly in high seas and at high speed.
It is used for geophysics and naval technology trials and research. While technically not armed, it is equipped with torpedo launch capability. Also other weapons systems can be installed for weapon trials.
Operated by Forschungsanstalt für Wasserschall und Geophysik in Kiel and WTD 71
GT: 3,859
L: 73.00m B: 27.20m D: 6.80m
Diesel/Electric 2x 1.275 kW plus 2x 1.700 kW = 15.00kn
Complement: 20 (+ 20 scientists)